Provide your staff with a safe space to explore their loss

Our grief counselling service offers compassionate and empathetic support to employees who are dealing with the loss of a loved one or significant life changes. Coping with such situations can lead to confusing emotions and decreased performance levels, making it important for companies to provide a safe space for their staff to explore their grief. By offering this service, companies can establish themselves as a caring and supportive employer, helping employees to cope with their loss and process their grief in their own way and time. This preventative step can reduce absenteeism and improve focus and productivity in the workplace.

Get in touch to find out how we can help your company with Grief Counselling

Empowering staff through psychological wellness programs


How it Works

The aim of Grief Counselling is to offer a secure and supportive environment for staff to deal with their loss, whether alone or in a group. This is accomplished through conventional ‘talk therapy’ and exploring coping strategies that can help in comprehending and processing the grief. By doing so, the grieving process is better understood by staff, thereby facilitating healing. Grief Counselling is provided in three forms: group sessions where all affected individuals are present, individual sessions scheduled at specific times, and onsite assistance from a qualified professional for those seeking immediate support.

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